There are three different weapons: the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Chainsaw --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- , --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Pistol --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- , --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- and the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Sniper Rifle --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- . Press the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Keys 1 --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- , --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 2 --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- , --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 3 --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to change from --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- one weapon to another. Use the Chainsaw for Tubbies wich --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- show up in a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- very close --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- distance (in front of you), the Pistol --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to shoot all Tubbies in a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- medium distance --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- and the Rifle for --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- all Tubbies in the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- far distance --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- . The aiming cross shows you --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the available area for every weapon you choose. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Watch out for ammo! If you're out of it, just press --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- SPACE --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- reload --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- your weapon. The Chainsaw does not need any --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ammo. Earn extra score by placing --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Headshots --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ! --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Good luck!